How to do you  profile lock for your facebook profile :

Step 1 : At first open Facebook Application .

Step 2 : Then Click On🔻

Step 3 : Next Scroll Down 🔻 

Step 4 : Then Click On🔻

Step 5 : Next Click On🔻

Step 6 : After that Click On🔻

Step 7 : Then Click On🔻

Step 8 : After that Choose a topic🔻

Step 9 : Then Click On Mark button🔻

Step 10 : Then Click On [ Choose  sub-topic ]🔻

Step 11 : Then write at the top [ Need profile lock for my facebook profile ]    

                write details on marking point🔻

Step 12 : Write details 🔻

                   Hello Facebook Team`s                                                                                                                           I am trying to lock my facebook profile . But I can`t lock my profile because my profile is not eligible for profile lock. I need to lock my facebook profile. I hope you will give this very soon for my profile.                                                                                                                                                                Have a nice day.                                                                                                          Thanks in advance. 

                 This is my profile link :  [ Paste your profile link ]                                                                                                                                                                    


Step 13 : Then Click On [ Post ] button



     After that you are waiting for 48 hours untill your profile has to be lock.


 How to copy your facebook profile link : 

 Step 1 : At first [ Go to your Profile ] & then Click On🔻

Step 2 : Then Click On [ Copy Link To Profile ]🔻


                                                                                                       Thank You.