Problem : Counts the number of boys whose weight is less than 50kg and height is greater than 170cm.

Program Code : 

      int count, i;
      float weight, height ;

      printf("Enter weight and height for 10 boys\n");

for(i=1; i<=10; I++)
     scanf("%f%f", &weight,&height);
     if (weight < 50 && height > 170)
     count = count+1;

  printf("Number of boys with weight < 50 kg\n");
  printf("and height > 170 cm = %d\n", count);
Output :

     Enter weight and height for 10 boys

          45           176.5
          55           174.2
          47           168.0
          49           170.0
          54           169.0
          53           170.5
          49           167.0
          48           175.0
          47           167
          51           170
          Number of boys with weight < 50 kg
          and height > 170 cm = 3